On 1914 Vicent Ballester was offered a contract to go to Italy and sing opera. He performs in the Martinetti Theatre, in Garlasco, Pavia, where he’s very successful. Newspapers reviews are very positive but the beginning of WWI forces him to go back to Barcelona, where he performs for quite some time in several theaters. He also performs in nearby cities, singing opera and zarzuelas. Vicent has finally decided to set his path on the musical field. He’s hired by the zarzuela’s company from the Ruzafa Theater in Valencia and he moves to Valencia with his wife and son. Once the season is over, in January, Ballester receives and offer to sing in the Martí Theater, in La Havana. He moves there leaving his wife behind. She’s pregnant of their second song and she won’t ever leave Spain again despite Vicent’s tries.

1915 1 Barcelona Vicent Ballester Retrat 1  1915 09 Barcelona Vicent Ballester En Sevilla esta el amor amb Clara Panach

Barcelona, January 1915

Portrait of Vicent Ballester

Barcelona, September 1915

Vicent Ballester and Clara Panach performing En Sevilla está el amor

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